Emigrate vs Immigrate
Sometimes, you might be confused regarding which word to use for a specific sentence. Both of these words have a similar pronunciation and almost similar meaning. This makes it difficult for you to choose the right word for a specific sentence you are trying to construct.
Many of us also confuse both immigrate and emigrate as an alternative spelling of the same sentence, while some of us think that one of them is a spelling error.
Dont worry. Once you go through this article, your confusion regarding the same will go away.
Note: a simple perspective to look at the emigrate vs immigrate difference is through thinking from the point of view of departure and arrival. If you want to mean that you have departed from your home country, you have to use the word “emigrated.” But if you want to suggest your arrival to a foreign country for a stay, you need to use the word “immigrate.” |
The Meaning Of Emigrate

So, we have two different words here, and both of them have different meanings (slightly). Emigrate is a verb that denotes leaving the home country to permanently settle in another country. If you want to describe someone leaving their country to settle permanently in another country, then you need to use the word Emigrate. The act of moving, in this case, means Emigration.
Examples Of Emigrate-
- I want to emigrate from Italy in search of spiritual emancipation.
- She emigrated from Germany when her father left the country.
You can also use the word as a noun in a sentence. Here are some examples of the same –
- She is an emigrant. She had to leave her home after her marriage overseas.
- The ship was full of emigrant workers looking for work and home in a new country.
- She wanted to live with her father abroad, so she too, like her father, had to become an emigrant.
People become emigrants due to different reasons. Some of them become emigrants on their own, and some migrate on with a group. Factors like femininity and war often affect mass emigration. On a positive note, people emigrate looking for better job opportunities and a better lifestyle.
The Meaning Of Immigrate

The meaning of Immigrate is a little different. It means moving into a new country with the intention of settling permanently. When someone decides to settle down in a different country or a region, they are called an immigrant in that place. The act of coming to a new country is, hence, called immigration.
I think now you will better understand the difference between emigrating vs immigrating. However, here are some examples of the word Immigrate in a sentence –
- I wanted to immigrate to Hollywood to pursue my career in acting.
- James immigrated to India after learning that India has more job opportunities in his field.
Here are some more examples of the word immigrate in its noun form –
- Mimi is an immigrant to Thailand.
- Robin and his wife are immigrants to the USA, and they are here to expand their business.
- We had lots of skilled workers thanks to immigration.
Emigrate Vs Immigrate: What Is The Difference?

If you have already gone through the different definitions of two of these words, then you should already be able to understand their difference. Both of these words have the word Migrate from Latin origin. Both of the words mean moving to a different place.
But the difference between both of the words is marked by the perspective someone takes to use it. If someone is moving out of their country, then what they are doing is emigration. On the other hand, if someone is moving into a country for permanent settlement, the act means immigration.
But how do you remember the difference between the two?
There is a trick to remembering emigrate vs immigrate difference. You can remember which word means what through the prepositions associated with the word.
If you are using the word Emigration, it will probably have the preposition ‘from’ associated with it. When associated with the preposition ‘from,’ the word is used to mean a departure.
When you use the word ‘immigration,’ it will be associated with the preposition ‘to’, meaning arrival.
This is nothing but a fun way to remember the difference between Immigration and emigration or emigrate vs immigrate.
Final Words
To conclude, the difference of emigrate vs immigrants can easily be defined by looking at them from the perspective of departure and arrival. If you mean to say departure from one’s home country for permanent settlement in a new country, you have to use the word emigrate. If you want to suggest someone’s migration to another country, you have to use the word immigrate. I hope that you were able to understand the difference between the two.
However, if you have any doubts and queries related to the same topic, you can let us know through the comment section.
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