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Ability Vs Capability – Meaning, Difference and Examples for Usage!

by Harsha Sharma

Your ability to do the task determines your capability to handle the role. Should we end the article here? Nah, we’ll tell you in detail how to use ability vs capability correctly in a sentence. Ready for examples that will help you figure out the difference? Let’s begin!  

The words – ability and capability are frequently used interchangeably due to their similar phonetics (how they sound.) However, they are quite different in meaning. You may notice there are many other words in the dictionary with similar conundrum for native and non-native speakers. 

The following article will describe the terms to help you understand the difference and tell you about the correct usage. This will help you avoid grammatical mistakes that are too embarrassing sometimes.  

Ability vs Capability – Meaning, Difference and Usage

The two words may sound similar and have almost the same spellings, but that’s the only grounds for confusion. Be it someone learning the language or a native speaker – the confusion haunts both groups.  

The two words significantly differ in their meanings, let’s have a look:  

👉 Ability is an individual’s ability to do something that is usually naturally present in someone.
For example, her ability for public speaking is commendable! 

👉 Capability is a person’s potential to do something.
For example, Penny has the capability to score well, but she’s standing in her way. 

Once you understand the subtle difference between ability vs capability, it will become easier for you to use it correctly in a sentence. Ability and capability both may speak about achievements, however, the directness is different in them.  

The words are often mixed up due to the confusion between the meanings. Hence, it is important that you know their meanings to properly use them in a sentence. No matter if you are a student or a non-native speaker learning the language, it is easy to mix them up.  

There are several other words that help you define someone’s ability to do things. Both the words underpin the success to do something, with different connotations. In ability vs capability, the former means the skill one develops to complete a task to a certain standard.  

Whereas capability implies a mix of knowledge, talent, behaviors and tools that a person combines to deliver something. For example, it would be your capability to handle workload efficiently.  

Let’s take a dive into the deeper perspectives in which ability vs capability differ.  

3 Key Differences Between Ability Vs Capability  

The two words differ in meaning, we’ve already established that, however, there’s more to it! Here are a few other ways the two differ:  

  • Context  
  • Scope  
  • Long- vs. Short-term strategy  

Let’s take a look.  

  1. Context of using ability vs capability  

 As a person’s ability is innate or inherent and largely remains the same – however, it does not mean certain skills cannot be honed. On the other hand, capability is something that is specific to context.  

Someone with coding skills will have to develop content writing skills to become capable of writing blogs. The same is true in vice-versa cases.  

  1. Scope  

The two words differ significantly in this context. A person’s capabilities cover a wide range of attributes such as skills, knowledge, tools., behaviors and processes. This also includes the resources they can utilize to achieve specific objectives.  

However, ability is only a small aspect that makes up a person’s capability. It plays a small yet significant role in the big picture.  

  1. Long- vs. short-term strategy 

Between ability vs capability, the former can be quickly developed within a small time. Moreover, it focuses on individual competence and how capable a person is at performing a task.  

Capability can be at individual and strategic levels – it is more focused on long-term changes and results. Capability is thus a long-term strategy unlike ability which may change with time.  


👉 Capability takes larger scope in the big picture than ability.

👉 Capability is context-specific, ability remains same over time.

👉 Capability is long-term and ability is short-term.

These are all the different ways the two words differ. This may help you remember their usage in a sentence. When talking about leadership skills, you may say – She has the capability to be a great leader.  

7 Examples To Use Ability Vs Capability 

Now that you have a clear idea of the difference between ability vs capability, you can use them much better in a sentence. The following list contains all the examples describing the correct usage of both the terms:  

  1. She needs to develop knowledge management system capability for this project.  
  1. The on-the-job training can help you develop the capability for this role. (Something developed through a program) 
  1. Your ability to play the piano well can land you an audition for AGT! (One’s personal trait)  
  1. Sarah’s ability to handle children makes her a great class teacher! (Personal trait of Sarah) 
  1. The software has the capability to generate the exact voice as the original singer! (Potential function of the software it can perform) 
  1. I have the ability to run. (Describes my ability to run)  
  1. I have the capability to win this marathon! (Describes my potential to win the marathon) 

These are some of the top examples that can help you easily remember the usage of ability vs capability.  

Tips And Tricks for Better Usage

By now, you know that ability refers to an individual’s current skill or something that allows them to perform a task at that moment. Capability, on the other hand, refers to the broader range of potential, that often encompasses a combination of skills, resources or knowledge.  

Here are a few tips and tricks that help me remember their correct usage:  

1. Use ability when talking about their current skill levels in a specific area. For example, she has the ability to speak French fluently. 

2. Use capability when discussing the potential to perform a task considering broader factors such as potential for development, resources, etc. For example, the team’s capability to handle bulk orders was proven by their recent success.  

These will help you remember the correct usage and help with conversations in the long run.  

Wrapping It Up!

With that we end the long-standing confusion between ability vs capability and learn a lot more about the usage! The grammatically correct way of using the words depends on the context, scope and strategy (long- vs short-term.)  

Once you have the clarity on these three aspects for both words, you will never confuse them again! The article also brings multiple examples for you to clear your confusion and ensures you are clear about their usage.

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