This might take you back to your elementary chemistry classes, the one introducing the properties of elements. How a dye absorbs on to the fiber! The difference between absorb vs adsorb becomes easier once you go through the following article!
The similarity in their respective spellings make it difficult to remember which one you’re trying to use. I wasn’t immune to such mistakes either! But once I was clear on their definitions, it became that much easier to use them correctly in a sentence.
The following sections will take you through the difference between the two words, tips to remember the correct term and examples to remember their correct usage.
Absorb Vs Adsorb – Definition and How to Differentiate Between the Two!
Absorb vs adsorb is another one of those terms that are ever so confusing, even for native speakers! So, no flak for non-native speakers and learners of this weirdly confusing language.
Here’s how you can learn the difference between the two and remember their usage in the long term! Here’s a look at the definition of the two terms and tips to remember this difference:
💡 Absorb – Denotes the phenomena when molecules are taken into a substance and evenly distributed throughout the volume. 💡 Adsorb – Stands for the phenomena when molecules attract to the surface and accumulate there instead of penetrating it. |
Here’s an example to understand the difference:
💡 The sponge absorbs the water. 💡 Activated charcoal in this water treatment adsorbs toxins and other contaminants. |
If you did not already notice – absorb has a “b” and adsorb has a “d” right after the “a.”
Absorb vs adsorb are scientific processes that allow liquids, gases or solute to get into or stick out on the surface.
One of the easiest ways I learnt to remember the difference was with my take on mnemonics –
👉 Adsorption Adheres to the surface. 👉 Absorption Absolutely takes up the substance within. |
When asked around, you’d see that many people often confuse the two terms. A popular confusion often sounds like “I read the two words thinking they’re the same! Couldn’t understand why the two looked different.”
It is mainly how substances behave around other materials. For example, sponge, cloth, wall and most other materials an absorb vs adsorb. Thus, when talking about water on a surface, we can see different behavior from the material water is on.
If water falls on a sponge, it gets absorbed. If water falls on the floor or a wall, it is adsorbed on the surface.
Key Difference Between Absorb vs Adsorb
If the meaning isn’t crystal clear, the following key differences should help you remember the difference between the two and their usage.
Here are a few key differences between the two words that help you with their usage. Check these out:
👉 Mechanism for both interactions differ significantly. Absorption takes up the molecule. Whereas adsorption keeps molecules on the surface of the material. 👉 Reversibility for both interactions are opposite. Absorption is reversible, on the other hand, adsorption isn’t. 👉 Distribution of the molecules differ depending on the material and molecules. For example, paint would get absorbed and adsorbed in the sponge. It would be hard to get rid of certain pain molecules from the sponge. |
These key differences help remember their usage and the subtle way these two words differ. Don’t worry, it may seem like a difficult concept to grasp, but once you have the definitions clear, the usage will become simpler than ever!
The following examples should help further!
Examples to Understand the Difference

So, now that you know the key areas these two words differ in, it is time we share the examples with you. You can use these examples to demonstrate the difference to your peers as well! Here’s the list:
Use Absorb like so:
- The paper towel absorbs water quickly
- This sponge will help absorb water from the surface of your car
- Use the rag cloth to absorb the spilt milk
- My doctor told me to be out more so my skin can absorb the sunlight!
- You should install thick curtains in your room, they absorb sound waves!
- The meat will absorb all the flavor as it cooks, let it simmer!
- Rice and pasta absorb water while cooking.
Use Adsorb like so:
- Activated charcoal adsorbs dirt, toxins and other contaminants!
- Silica gel adsorbs water vapor in air conditioners.
- Water molecules adsorb to the surface of a glass window.
- Oil adsorbs on water and creates a distinct layer!
- Charcoal filters in your water filter absorb contaminants.
- The paint adsorbs on the wall, that’s why it does not disappear!
- In our lab today, we saw plant pigments adsorb on silica gel from leaf extract!
These were all the top examples that help differentiate both words without any confusion. These examples help me remember their difference whenever I am confused about the two words.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here are a few questions that have been flooding our email ever since the newsletter announced this article! Check them out to see if your query was answered:
Chemical absorption and physical absorption are two types of absorption processes. These depend on the chemical reactions between the solute and solvent.
Similar to absorption, there are two types of adsorption. Physical and chemical adsorption.
A sponge absorbs water or liquid from a surface, which means it takes in the water molecules that are spread across a surface.
Wrapping It Up!
Absorb vs adsorb is one of the most confusing terms that even native speakers get wrong! So, if you are a non-native speaker or learner, you can calmly read through the blog and learn the basics for clarity!
The article looks at the differences and usage for both words while simply explaining their difference. You can also look at the different examples that help you improve your grammar and professional usage of both words.
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