If you have been following social media trends, you’d know this one. A popular content maker asks people driving cool cars what do you do for a living. Some share, but most hesitate at first. Is it an appropriate question? Let’s find out. It is common in social settings, networking events, or job interviews. This simple yet powerful question opens …
And I am back again to help you with another confusion, Absence or Absense! Now, if you are in a rush, just take a quick look at the following points: ✅ Absence is the correct spelling. ❌ Absence is the most common misspelling. You must avoid using it in your writing. The English language is a powerful communication and spelling …
An essay on Holi is one of the easiest to write – for sure. However, not everyone knows how to write an essay that captures the true essence of the festival. The festival of Colors is one of the most joyous celebrations in India and among the global Indian communities. This festival signifies the victory of good over evil and …
The Festival of Lights isn’t the only big festival in India and for Indians around the world. Happy Holi! This is another prominent festival that brings people together! Also known as Holi, this festival comes right after Vasant Panchami and washes away the dryness of the cold Winter with vibrant hues! This is not like one of those long blogs, …
The Festival of Colors 🌈🎨 is one of the most awaited festivals around the world! This one comes after quite a long break of holidays in the Hindu calendar. If you are one of those celebrating Holi this year, these Holi wishes should be a part of your wish-kit! Happy Holi! Do away with such old wishes. Also, may this …
Don’t have much time to go through the entire article? Here’s a quick overview: ❌ “Neice” is a spelling error you must avoid using, unless? It is a proper name. ✅ “Niece” is the right spelling, which we use for the female child of your brother or sister. We’ve already seen how English is a difficult language to deal with …
English learners often find themselves at a confusing crossroads of tooth vs teeth. Both terms are actively in use to describe the calcified structures in our mouth. Yes, the same that helps us chew and even speak! The difference between the two will be explored in the following sections and we’ll see their correct usage. The following sections will also …
This is going to take a lot of time! But we’ll try to address each confusion in the English language, especially with words such as took vs taken. Both of these are correct forms that can be used in different sentences. You just need to know the correct usage! The confusion between took and taken is quite common, even among …
By far, we’ve established through various articles how tricky the English language can be. From confusing spellings to even more mind-boggling phrases, there’s at least one of those. Using all is or all are, comes under the latter category and we’re all confused! Both the phrases are correct, so that’s a relief, but its usage can be tricky. We’ll explore …
…And again am back to clear up your confusion! I know it can be very difficult to navigate the english language. You often come across words that are used in different forms. “More friendly or friendlier” is just a part of it. If you are in a rush, here’s the answer for you: “More Friendly Or Friendlier” is part of …