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Thanks For The Heads Up: When And How You Can Say This

by subhasree nag
Last Updated on: November 2, 2023

It is always better to be informed about something good or bad that is coming towards us. That way, we can prepare for it or just be ready to face it. And we have often given some tips about the forthcoming event and have been informed as well.

It could be anything, a small tip about the weather, so you can carry the raincoat, or a class test that is going to happen next week so that your best friends are fighting among themselves and you might have to deal with it.

Today, we are going to talk about this. Every now and then, we get a tip, and we thank them for that tip. We often say, “Thanks for the heads up,” after we get that tip. We are going to discuss in detail when we can use this phrase and what other phrases we can use in place of this. So read along.

Meaning Of “Thanks For The Heads Up”  

Meaning of “Thanks for the heads up”

In simple terms, if something says, “Thanks for the heads up,” be assured that the person is thanking you in advance for the tip you provided. It can be about anything, but it could be something significant to the other person, and you might not even realize that you have done something helpful.

So, next time you receive a tip from your friend or your parents, remember to use the phrase and thank them for their help. The term ‘heads up’ is believed to have evolved from baseball or military.

Examples Of Using Thanks For The Heads Up In A Sentence  

Examples of using thanks
  • Ben – You are already late for the office; the road you take is blocked for some repair world. Take the South Street for a shortcut.

           Joe – Thanks for the heads up. You saved me today.

  • Hannah – I overheard the teachers talking about some surprise history test today. Just go through the chapters once before the teacher comes.

            Amy – Thanks for the heads up.

  • Betty – Thanks for the heads up. You saved my whole evening.

            Joe – I heard about the weather forecast on the radio, so I informed you as well.

  • Jenna – The client is already here and could be happier.

            Emily – Thank you for the heads up. I am looking into the matter.

  • Paula – he got the news from his friend and is now pissed because you did not inform him.

           Jen – Thanks for the heads up, I must think of something to manage the situation.

Other Ways To Say “Thanks For The Heads Up”  

Other ways to say heads up
  • Thank you for informing me.
  • Thank you for this information.
  • I appreciate your telling me.
  • Thanks for letting me know.
  • Thank you for warning me.
  • Thanks for being honest with me.
  • I appreciate the heads-up.
  • I appreciate you coming to me with this.
  • Thank you for saying that.
  • Thanks for keeping me in the know.
  • Thank you for notifying me.
  • Thanks for filling me in.
  • Thanks for the warning.
  • Appreciate the info.
  • Thanks for catching me up.
  • Thank you for bringing that up.
  • Thank you for making me aware of that.
  • Glad you told me.
  • Thanks for cluing me in.
  • Glad you came to me with this.
  • Thank you for alerting me.
  • Thanks for the tip-off.
  • Thank you for the advance notice.
  • Thanks for putting me on that.
  • Thank you for opening my eyes to that.
  • Thanks for giving me the lowdown.
  • Thanks for bringing me up to date.
  • Thank you for making that known.

In What Scenarios Can The Phrase Be Used?  

The phrase, “Thanks for the heads up,” can be used both in formal and informal situations. You have to choose the correct way to say it. If you want to use the phrase in a professional situation, you can say, “thank you for letting me know” or “thank you for notifying me.”

In formal situations, these phrases can be used to express gratitude and appreciation when someone gives you some helpful information. The phrase “thanks for the heads up” is idiomatic, so using the other phrases in formal situations is better. It is not wrong if you use the phrase as is, but it is better to avoid this in formal cases.

Person 1: Your delivery will be arriving by Friday.

Person 2: Thank you for notifying me, but I don’t think I will be able to receive the package that day; I have some prior engagements.

You can use this phrase in any informal situation or use one of the above phrases to let them know that you appreciate their tip. You can also use this phrase in your workplace while talking to colleagues or someone you know closely.

Example: Thanks for informing me of the changes the clients asked to make.

Is The Phrase Grammatically Correct?  

The phrase is idiomatic, but it is also grammatically correct. It is best to use it in informal situations or less formal places, and when using it in a workplace, think of the scenario before you use it.

Since it is not grammatically wrong to use this phrase, go ahead, keeping in mind the place and scenario where you are saying it.

Wrapping Up!  

Well, now you know where you can use the phrase and when to use the phrase. Next time anyone gives you a tip-off, do not remember to thank them or use the phrase “thanks for the heads up.”There are various ways to mean the same, but placing the words some other way. So choose your pick depending upon the scenario and sound confident.

We mainly use this phrase to thank someone when they have provided us with some information, but you can also use the phrase to reply sarcastically. They should have let you know before, as now the information is not going to be of any worth.


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