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Does Anyone Or Do Anyone? Which Is The Correct Phrase?

by subhasree nag
Last Updated on: April 1, 2024

It is a known fact that we use the term anyone when we mean any random person or someone in general from a particular kind. But that is not what we are talking about, that is not where the confusion lies. This pronoun is singular in nature. But, the main question is whether the correct form of use is does anyone or do anyone.

Does Anyone Or Do Anyone: Know Which One Is Correct?

The term “anyone” is a third-person singular form that takes ‘s’ in its present simple tense. That is the reason why the question form also requires ‘s,’ and we say ‘does anybody’ while forming a question. So if you were thinking about which one to use while forming a question, ‘Does anyone or do anyone,’ the answer is ‘Does anyone.’

It Is A Singular Verb

It is important to take note of the fact that while we are using the term ‘anyone,’ the verb that should be used has to be a singular verb. For instance, “Does anyone have my phone with them?” is the correct form, and “do anyone have my hone with them?” is incorrect. Similarly, when we are saying “anyone can do it,” that is correct. But if we are saying that “anyone an do them,” that is incorrect.

‘Anyone’ is an indefinite pronoun that is used to refer to people or every other person in general. It is a singular noun and should always be paired with a singular verb.

Using It In Writing Or In A Speech

When we are using does anyone or do anyone while writing or in a speech, there are certain things that we have to keep in mind. The correct use of the phrase depends on the tense we are using and on the context.

Less Formal Or Informal Contexts

While talking to family and friends or in any informal situation, people often use both phrases interchangeably. In such contexts, people often use ‘do anyone’ and ‘does anyone.’ In these scenarios, the change does not make an effective impact and does not change the meaning of the sentence. 

However, in formal contexts, it is appropriate to use ‘does anyone.’ While writing or speaking in some professional situations, or academic writing, using the correct phrase is very important.

While writing in the present tense or speaking in the present tense, “does anyone” is the correct use as ‘anyone’ is a third person and takes ‘s’ in the simple present tense. For instance:

  • Does anyone have a pen?
  • Does anyone know the way to the museum? I am new to this place and don’t know my way around.
  • Does anyone have an answer to my question? Do you think my question is relevant to the topic?
  • Does anyone know where I kept my phone? I cannot find it.
  • Does anyone need any extra sheets?

Whereas “do anyone” is not considered a standard use and should be avoided while writing anything formal. For instance:

  • Do anybody have a pen? – This is an incorrect use and should be avoided.
  • Do anyone need any extra sheet? – this is again an incorrect use and needs to be avoided.

It should be noted that “anyone” and “anybody” can be used interchangeably, and it is also correct if one uses “do anybody” in place of “do anyone.” But in the English language, “anybody” is popularly used while speaking, and “anyone” is popularly used while writing anything down.

Examples Of Sentences With “Does Anyone” In It

  • “Does anyone have any questions?”
  • “Does anyone have anything to suggest in this crucial situation?”
  • “Does anyone else want to take a leave tomorrow?”
  • “Does anyone even care? I did not see any one of you ask me what was going on inside.”
  • “Does anyone have the password to the office wifi?”
  • “Does anyone want to go out for lunch today?”
  • “Does anyone here have enough knowledge about how to fix this machine?”
  • “Does anyone here have spare sandals?”

As is mentioned here, “Does anyone” is the correct form of starting these questions. I think there is no more confusion about this topic. While writing in British English, you might hear “has anyone got” in place of “does anyone.” this is an informal way of framing the question, but the question remains the same here.

For example, “Does anyone have a sheet?” is quite similar to “Has anyone got a sheet?” this can be used interchangeably.

Here are some examples: 

  • Has anyone seen my glasses? I can’t seem to find them anywhere. (Looking for a lost item)
  • Has anyone ever been to the Grand Canyon? It’s on my bucket list! (General knowledge question)
  • Has anyone volunteered at the local animal shelter? They’re always looking for help. (Seeking information about volunteering)
  • Has anyone figured out the answer to this crossword puzzle yet? I’m stumped. (Problem-solving in a group)
  • Has anyone signed up for the cooking class yet? It sounds like a lot of fun. (Checking participation)
  • Has anyone finished their homework? We can review the answers together. (Checking progress in class)
  • Has anyone here taken this course before? Any tips for success? (Seeking advice from experienced classmates)
  • Has anyone considered going on a road trip this summer? It could be a great adventure. (Suggesting an activity)
  • Has anyone brought sunscreen? It looks like a sunny day at the beach. (Checking preparedness)
  • Has anyone ever tried skydiving? I’m curious what it feels like. (Expressing curiosity)
  • Informal Inquiries:
  • Has anyone heard anything about the movie release date? (Casual question)
  • Has anyone got any plans for dinner tonight? (Informal check-in)
  • Has anyone figured out how to use this new app? It’s a bit confusing. (Seeking help with technology)
  • Has anyone had any experience with this brand of camera? (Checking product knowledge)
  • Has anyone finished reading that book everyone’s been talking about? (Informal conversation starter)
  • Hypothetical Situations:
  • Has anyone ever won the lottery? Imagine the possibilities! (Considering a dream scenario)
  • What if has anyone discovered a cure for cancer? It would be a major breakthrough. (Awkward phrasing, better as “What IF ANYONE discovered a cure for cancer?”)
  • Has anyone ever traveled to another planet? (Speculating about the future)

Here are some  more examples that you can check out: 

Formal Writing:

Does anyone have a question about the report? (Meeting setting)

Does anyone require further clarification on the instructions? (Formal document)

Does anyone in this company have experience with coding in Python? (Job advertisement)

The survey asks if anyone has witnessed a decline in customer satisfaction. (Formal research question)

Does anyone on the team have access to the marketing budget data? (Formal communication)

Informal Writing (Emails, Chats):

Does anyone know where the meeting notes are? (Casual inquiry)

Does anyone have any suggestions for a fun team-building activity? (Informal brainstorming)

Hey everyone, does anyone want to grab coffee after work? (Casual invitation)

Does anyone have a good recipe for a healthy and quick dinner? (Informal request for information)

Does anyone remember what time the movie starts tonight? (Casual check-in)

Questions in Speech (Formal and Informal):

Does anyone here speak French? (General inquiry in a group setting)

Excuse me, does anyone have a pen I could borrow? (Polite request)

Professor, does anyone need extra time to complete the exam? (Formal question in class)

Does anyone have any plans for the holidays? (Conversation starter)

Wait, does anyone see where my phone went? (Urgent question)

Emphasis in Questions (Speech):

Does ANYONE have a solution to this problem? We’re running out of time! (Strong emphasis)

Seriously, does ANYONE understand these instructions? (Expressing confusion)

Does ANYONE have a good reason for missing yesterday’s deadline? (Seeking explanation with emphasis)

Indirect Speech:

The teacher asked if anyone had finished their homework. (Indirect question)

I wondered if anyone knew the answer to the riddle. (Expressing someone’s thought)

Wrapping Up!

One of the correct ways to start any question with the term ‘anyone’ is “Does anyone.” This is used in this form because the singular form of ‘anyone,’ which is an indefinite noun, uses the verb form ‘does.” there are other ways of starting a question, like “Is anyone” or “Has anyone.”

I hope there is no more confusion about does anyone or do anyone. “Has anyone” is mostly used in British English and is mostly used in any informal scenarios.


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