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Me Neither Or Me Either: Meaning, Difference, And When To Use Which Phrase

by Harsha Sharma

Ever been in that awkward moment when someone expresses how they feel about something and you want to enthusiastically agree but aren’t sure whether to say ‘me neither’ or ‘me either’? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with using these phrases correctly.

But don’t worry, after reading this quick guide the difference will be as clear as day and you’ll never hesitate again. Whether chatting with friends, writing an email, or posting on social media, you’ll have the confidence to express your mutual feelings accurately.

So take a few minutes to learn when each phrase is appropriate and you’ll be conversing comfortably in no time. By the end, you’ll be an expert on when to say ‘me neither’ versus ‘me either’.

What’s The Difference Between “Me Neither” And “Me Either”?  

So what’s the difference between “me neither” and “me either”? They’re often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle distinction.

“Me neither” means that something also does not apply to you or that you also do not do know something. For example, if someone says, “I don’t like scary movies,” you could reply “Me neither.” It implies that you share their opinion or feeling.

“Me either” is used when you want to convey that something does apply to you or that you also do something. For example, if someone says “I love action-adventure films,” you might say “Me either!” to express that you share their fondness for that genre.

In short:

  • Use “me neither” when you want to express that something does NOT apply to you either.
  • Use “me either” when you want to express that something DOES apply to you as well.

Some grammar guides recommend using “me either” in affirmative statements and “me neither” in negative statements. But in casual conversation and writing, the distinction is often blurred. The most important thing is that your meaning is clear from the context. So next time you want to express solidarity with someone, think about whether their statement was affirmative or negative and choose “me neither” or “me either” accordingly!

When to Use “Me Neither”  

When should you use “me neither” vs. “me either”? It depends on the context.

Use “me neither” when responding in the negative to a negative statement.  

For example, if someone says, “I didn’t like that movie,” you could reply “Me neither.” You’re both expressing dislike or disagreement with something.

  • “I’m not a big fan of scary films.” “Me neither.”
  • “I don’t really care for sushi.” “Me neither.”

Use “me either” when responding in the affirmative to an affirmative statement.  

For example, if someone says, “I love action-packed blockbusters,” you could say, “Me either!” You’re both expressing the same positive sentiment.

  • “Romantic comedies are my guilty pleasure.” “Me either!”
  • “I could eat pizza every day of the week.” “Me either, pizza is life!”

So, in short, use “me neither” to agree with a negative statement and “me either” to agree with a positive statement. Keep this rule in mind, and you’ll sound like a native English speaker in no time! Both phrases are informal, so save them for casual conversation with friends or family rather than in professional settings.

When to Use “Me Either”  

When do you use “me either” vs. “me neither”? It depends on whether the phrase is being used affirmatively or negatively.

Use “Me Either” For Affirmative Phrases  

If someone makes a positive statement and you want to express that the same is true for you, use “me either.” For example:

Person 1: “I love mangoes!”

You: “Me either, they’re delicious!”

Person 2: “I had a great time at the party last night!”

You: “Me either, it was a blast!”

In these cases, you’re affirming that the positive sentiment expressed also applies to you.

Use “Me Neither” For Negative Phrases  

On the other hand, if someone makes a negative statement, use “me neither” to convey you feel the same. For example:

Person 1: “I don’t care for scary movies.

You: “Me neither, they frighten me too much!”

Person 2: “I’m not a fan of cold weather.”

You: “Me neither, I much prefer the warm summer months!”

In these examples, you agree with the negative opinion by using “me neither.”

So, in short, use “me either” when you want to express a positive shared feeling and “me neither” when conveying a mutual negative sentiment. Keeping this simple rule in mind will ensure you use these phrases correctly and avoid confusion in your writing and conversations.


So now you know the difference between me neither and me either, and when to use each phrase. Don’t worry if you’ve been using them interchangeably up until now – a lot of native English speakers do the same. The important thing is that you understand the distinction and can apply that knowledge going forward. Whether agreeing or disagreeing, you’ll sound more fluent by choosing the right phrase for the situation. And if all else fails, you can never go wrong with a simple ‘same here’! Either way, you’ve got this.

If you have understood the differences, comment below with ‘Me either;’ and if you are still confused, comment with ‘me neither.’


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