Home » Blog » Meaning and Correct Usage of ‘Not Only But Also’: A Detailed Look

Meaning and Correct Usage of ‘Not Only But Also’: A Detailed Look

by shreyasi datta

Language is a fascinating tool that allows us to convey complex ideas and thoughts. “Not only but also” is one such phrase that adds emphasis and nuance to our communication. In this blog post, we will explore the meaning and usage of “Not only but also,” provide example sentences to illustrate its use, and share some similar phrases that can be used interchangeably.

Not Only But Also: What is the meaning  

“Not only but also” is a correlative conjunction used to connect and emphasize two words or phrases at the same position that are equally important or surprising. It is used to express the idea that something is true or applicable in two or more ways.

The phrase is employed to emphasize the importance or significance of multiple factors or qualities. This phrase is commonly used to highlight a combination of qualities, actions, or situations that work together to enhance meaning.

Not Only But Also: What is the correct Usage  

Here are some possible situations where you can use this phrase:

  • When you want to show a contrast or contradiction between two things. For example: He is not only a good singer but also a talented dancer. This sentence implies that being a good singer and a talented dancer are both impressive qualities that are not usually found together.
  • When you want to add more information or details to the first part of the sentence. For example, She not only graduated with honors but also received a scholarship for her master’s degree. This sentence implies that graduating with honors is already an achievement, but receiving a scholarship is even more remarkable.
  • When you want to express a cause-and-effect relationship between two actions or events. For example: Not only did he forget to lock the door, but also left the stove on. This sentence implies that forgetting to lock the door and leaving the stove on are both careless mistakes that could have serious consequences.

Not Only But Also: Example Sentences  

Here are some sentences using the phrase ‘Not Only…But Also.’

  • Not only did she win the lottery, but also donated half of the money to charity.
  • He is not only fluent in English but also speaks four other languages.
  • The movie was not only entertaining but also informative and inspiring.
  • She not only plays the piano but also composes her own music.
  • Not only is he a doctor, but also a bestselling author.
  • They not only cleaned the house but also cooked a delicious meal for us.
  • The book not only covers the history of the topic but also provides practical examples and exercises.
  • Not only was the weather perfect, but also the scenery was breathtaking.
  • He not only apologized for his mistake but also promised to make it up to me.
  • She not only loves animals but also volunteers at the local shelter.
  • Sarah is not only intelligent but also compassionate, making her an exceptional leader.
  • The concert featured not only jazz but also classical music, catering to a diverse audience.
  • The company not only prioritizes profitability but also focuses on sustainable practices.
  • The new smartphone model not only boasts a bigger screen but also offers enhanced security features.
  • John’s presentation not only impressed the clients but also inspired his colleagues.

Rules Of Using Not Only…But Also  

Here are some rules to keep in mind while using this phrase:

  • Always use not only before the first element but also before the second element. For example: He is not only a good singer but also a talented dancer.
  • Use a comma after the first element and before but also when the elements are clauses. For example: Not only did she win the lottery, but also donated half of the money to charity.
  • Use the same part of speech for both elements. For example: She speaks English not only naturally but also fluently. (Both elements are adverbs)
  • Use the same verb tense for both elements. For example: He not only apologized for his mistake but also promised to make it up to me. (Both elements are past tense verbs)
  • If you want to emphasize the first element, you can put not only at the beginning of the sentence. When you do this, you invert the subject and the verb. For example: Not only was the weather perfect, but also the scenery was breathtaking. (The subject and the verb are inverted in the first clause)

Not Only But Also: Similar Words  

Here are some more words that are similar to the phrase ‘Not only…But Also.’

In Addition To  

Here are some examples of sentences using ‘in addition to.’

  • In addition to being a famous actor, he is also a successful entrepreneur.
  • She enjoys reading books in addition to listening to music.
  • In addition to the main course, we also ordered some appetizers and desserts.
  • He has a degree in physics in addition to a diploma in engineering.
  • In addition to the regular classes, there are also some optional workshops and seminars.

As Well As  

  • He is a skilled painter as well as a talented musician.
  • She loves reading books as well as watching movies.
  • In addition to the cake, they also brought some cookies and muffins.
  • He speaks French as well as English and Spanish.
  • Not only did she pass the exam, but also got the highest score.


  • Besides chocolate, she also loves vanilla and strawberry ice cream.
  • He has many hobbies besides reading, such as gardening, painting, and playing chess.
  • I don’t want to go to the party. Besides, I have a lot of homework to do.
  • She is a brilliant student and a great athlete besides.
  • Who else was there besides you and your friends?


  • He is a brilliant student and a great athlete. Furthermore, he is very kind and generous.
  • The project was delayed due to some technical issues. Furthermore, the budget was cut by 10%.
  • She loves reading books. Furthermore, she writes her own stories and poems.
  • The hotel was clean and comfortable. Furthermore, it had a beautiful view of the lake.
  • Smoking is bad for your health. Furthermore, it can cause harm to others around you.


“Not only but also” helps us to add a little bit more depth and emphasis to our language. It allows us to highlight the importance of multiple qualities, actions, or situations and create a fuller picture of the subject being discussed. By using this phrase effectively, we can improve our speaking and writing skills and convey our intended meaning more precisely.


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