If you like to write and want to start your career as an author or a content writer, there is one thing that you must do.
Of course, making sure that your grammar and style of writing are in touch throughout the piece is a crucial thing to do. But what about the transitions?
When your readers move from one part of the story to another, you must ensure that you have made the process of the movement smooth enough. Don’t know how to do that? No worries, I have your back!
You can use transition words for that purpose. Keep reading the article till the end to learn more about them…
What Are Transition Words?

You must have used and read words like ‘and,’ ‘but,’ or ‘because’ in your sentences before. Did you know that these are transition words? No, I am not talking about conjunctions.
While conjunctions are the words that connect two clauses in a sentence, the transition words are the ones that connect two ideas and link them throughout the piece or text.
These words are used when you want to show the readers that you are establishing a link of the new sentence with a previously stated sentence or idea.
Types Of Transition Words

There are many types of transition words that are available in the English writing styles. In this article, I am going to talk about some of the most common types.
There are four common transition words for essays that are used in English. They are:
1. Additive Transition Words
The additive transition words are the ones that are used to determine that there has been an introduction to new examples or information. They can be used to clarify something that had been mentioned or to expand upon a particular point.
Here are some situations where additive transition words are used:
- Introduction
The words that are used in this case are such as, particularly, for instance, to illustrate, like, etc.
- Addiction
The words that are used in this case are furthermore, indeed, moreover, besides, additionally, not only but also, and, etc.
- Reference
The words that are used in this case are regarding, considering, on the subject of, concerning, as for, etc.
- Clarification
The words that are used in this case are that is, namely. In other words, precisely, more precisely, specifically, etc.
- Similarity
The words that are used in this case are equally, similarly, likewise, in the manner, by the same way, in the same way, etc.
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2. Causal Transition Words
These are the transition words that are used to show the effects and the cause. They are used to show any purpose and the condition or the consequence that follows. There are a few types of causal transition words.
- Purpose
The words that are used in this case are in order to, lest, so as to, with this in mind, in the hope that, to, for the purpose of, etc.
- Condition
The words that are used in this case are if, when, being that, if so, is not, otherwise, as long as, so long as, in the case that, provided that, granted that, on the condition that, etc.
- Consequence
The words that are used in this case are because, therefore, as a consequence, if so, so much that, for this reason, due to, in consequence, hence, accordingly, thus, etc.
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3. Sequential Transition Words
The words that are used to indicate or show a sequence are called sequential transition words. These can be used to refer to events that occurred in a chronological manner. They can also be used to indicate something that you have offered in the text or essay.
Some of the sequential transition words are given below:
- Initiation
The words that are used in this case are in the first place, to begin with, initially, at first, first of all, etc.
- Enumeration
The words that are used in this case are first, firstly, second, secondly, third, thirdly, fourth, etc.
- Conclusion
The words that are used in this case are at last, lastly, finally, to conclude, last but not least, as a final point, etc.
- Continuation
The words that are used in this case are subsequently, eventually, the, before, after, afterward, previously, next, etc.
- Summation
The words that are used in this case are like it has been mentioned, as it has been mentioned, in short, in sum, as has been noted, briefly, altogether, as previously stated, as mentioned, in view of, etc.
- Resumption
The words that are used in this case are to resume, to return, at any rate, returning to, etc.
4. Adversative Transition Words
When there is a contrast in the two sentences that are written back to back, people use the adversative transition words. They can also be used when there is a disagreement between the two sentences. They mean conflict, concession, replacements, emphasis, and dismissal.
- Conflict
The words that are used in this case are but, although, though, however, whereas, conversely, in contrast, while, yet, etc.
- Concession
The words that are used are despite, even so, notwithstanding, nonetheless, yet, granted, admittedly, nevertheless, etc.
- Replacements
The words that are used in this case are rather, instead, at least, even, perhaps, if not, perhaps even, etc.
- Emphasis
The words that are used in this case are rather, at least, instead, if not, even if, etc.
- Dismissal
The words that are used in this case are in any case, regardless, at any rate, either way, all the same, whatever the case, etc.
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Importance Of Transition Words

At first, you may not think that there is much importance to using the transition word. But when you think about it and the work it does deeply enough, you will realize how significant these words can be.
The transition words make sure that your readers are transported to the new part of the story or the essay. It acts as a bridge. These words tie the different parts of different sentences together to make sure that the readers can stay connected to the entire piece.
In other words, these words help the readers to establish a connection between the several ideas that have been conveyed in the text. In addition, it assists the readers in moving from one idea to another.
Without the use of good transition words, the readers may feel lost and confused. They will not be able to make out why something is being talked about in a specific part of the essay.
Common Mistakes while using transition words
Transition words are crucial because they help in maintaining the flow in any piece of writing. With the help of transition words, writers can easily introduce new topics or ideas and link them with already mentioned ideas and arguments in their text. But learning how to properly apply transition words and in what context is not that simple.
The most common mistake that people make while using transition words is that using a wrong phrase for a type of transition, such as using transition words like however and although for describing cause and effect.
Another common mistake with transition words is using a similar sounding phrase or words with similar meaning while writing or speaking which may be grammatically wrong. For instance, you may write or say something like – Irene’s piano playing has improved particularly after she started attending piano lessons last year. But this will be wrong.
The right word to use here will be – Irene’s piano playing has improved significantly after she started attending piano lessons last year. This is quite a common mistake to make because both ‘particularly’ and ‘significantly’ are used to describe examples and support.
Some of the examples of good transition words are as follows:
- The boy pushed the ball. As a result, it started rolling.
- I do not like fruits much. However, I do like to eat apples.
- There are many reasons why they are not talking to each other. But above all, it is because they have differences.
- In addition to that, there are also many types of dresses that you can buy.
- Well, at any rate, let me thank you for all you did.
- Whatever the case, it certainly wasn’t worth arguing about.
- Regardless of the rights and wrongs of what’s happened it’s a truly horrible place to be.
- In contrast with your belief that we will fail, I am confident that we will succeed.
- In contrast, the lives of girls in well-to-do families were often very sheltered.
- Although she was far away, she could see that he was watching her.
- Although his father was a king, Cyrus was brought up like the son of a common man.
- Initially cheques, rather than plastic cards, were used.
- Conversely, if you like coziness, you should consider warmer colors.
- I’m afraid I don’t have much to offer either way.
- Some of the food crops failed. However, the cotton did quite well.
- Why did you choose to study history, in the first place?
- Well, to begin with, he shouldn’t even have been driving my car.
- Instead of dining out, we ordered a couple of pizzas.
- Instead of retaliating, he walks away leaving his team-mates to fight it out.
- Rather, he’d done the decent thing and spared her further heartache.
- The village had been hurriedly deserted, perhaps because terrorists were in the area.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are many types of transition words that are available to be used in English essays and texts. They are of four primary types. They are:
➼ Adversative
➼ Sequential
➼ Additive
➼ Causal
In order to use transition words in our text or essay, there are some things that you need to do. The most important of them all is to make sure that you have an outline of the text that you are about to write.
Only after ensuring that will you be able to put the transition words in the right place and use those words for the smooth transitioning of the text.
Transition words are the words that are used in essays and texts to create a link between two ideas. They help the readers to connect the ideas that are introduced in different parts of the essay.
Wrapping It Up!
Transition words are important when it comes to writing good English essays. These are the words that help the readers move from one idea to the other while linking them.
These transition words act like a bridge and make sure that the readers can understand the point that has been conveyed in the text. Without the use of transition words, the readers may feel lost and confused.
There are many types of transition words that you can use in your sentences to make them sound and look better. Some of the most common examples of transition words are additionally, however, in contrast to, etc.
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