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Essay on My First Day at School: Put Down Your Feelings on a Paper

by subhasree nag

As your child moves up the classes, they will be introduced to essays. It is an essential part of their student life. After learning the different types of essays, it is time they dive directly into them.  

Well, initially they might need some essay outlines which they can use for almost all essays, but after a while, they will be able to write one on their own. Before they get there, it is helpful to get them a few generic ones which they will get almost in every school. 

One of those common essays is “My first day at school.” Let’s take a look at a few samples that can help your child in their examination. 

My First Day At School Essay 

There is a first time for everything. However, the first day at school is like a milestone. The day when they step into an entirely new world, which becomes a major part of their life.  

My First Day At School Essay

It is the memories that they would cherish their entire lives, and penning them down is one of the best ways a person can do it. So, here are four samples that will act like a sample and help them write their thoughts down. 

My First Day At School (100 words) 

It was a gloomy day. My mother woke me up from sleep and told me that it was my first day at school. I will meet some new people there, and make some new friends. 

However, I did not feel like going to a new place. I remember I cried a lot when my mother got me inside and left me with the teachers. But, I was happy to see I was not the only one unhappy there. 

There were a lot of other kids, roaming around crying, saying they did not want to stay there. After a while, the colorful classrooms, and the new people started feeling familiar, and now I have some of those people, who I call my best friends. Now, I really enjoy going there. 

My First Day At School (300 words) 

It was a day filled with excitement and nervousness. Moreover, I boarded the school bus with a heavy heart thinking about my previous school and how I left my old friends behind.  

However, I was also curious to find out how this new school was going to be. The moment I entered I could hear the cheerful voices of the students from the corridor and the playground. 

I asked the security guard and he showed me my classroom. The moment I entered the classroom, I felt at ease. It was not my first time changing schools. I could make out from the uncomfortable faces who all were new, and I decided to start there. 

I sat behind one of them and asked if it was their first day at this school. And I was happy that I guessed it right. Some others came and greeted me with their warm smiles and made me comfortable in the new space.  

Communication became easy as they welcomed me as one of them, and introduced themselves before the first class started.  

The First Class 

This is the part that always scared me. Meeting new teachers. I was skeptical about the first class, and how it would go, even though it was my favorite subject English. 

I met the teacher and she seems friendly as well. There was something about the literature teachers that made them friendly, and I always found the Mathematics teachers to be strict. 

The class went well, the teacher started with a new story and asked me to catch up on the previous classes and take notes from my classmates. 

Soon after, it was lunchtime and time to mingle some more. I hesitated a bit in the beginning, but they welcomed me and we talked about the lot. They talked about their favorite subjects and their favorite teachers, and I shared about mine. 

I told them about my previous school and my old friends. Moreover, I started figuring out my potential friends from this session and was looking forward to meeting them the next day and know them. 

My First Day At School (500 words) 

I still remember my first day at school. I still cherish the day to date and those memories feel fresh in my mind, like it was yesterday.  

It took me a while to process the news that I was leaving the present school behind and going someplace new. However, the new school uniform and the new backpack got me excited.  

How Did The Day Start? 

It was not like any other regular day. It was my first day at school. I was excited to visit this new school and was all set with my new backpack. However, there was a little uneasy feeling in my stomach and I was a bit nervous. 

However, the first day started well, as my new teachers and classmates welcomed it. All those bright happy faces made it a bit easy for me. After a little bit of introduction and the first class, all these strangers started to feel like potential friends.  

Soon after, it was lunch time, and the best time to gel with people and make some new friends. But the people there made the process easy for me.  

Even though I was hesitating to sit with them for lunch, they took me with them. They shared anecdotes about which teachers are friendly and who are the most intimidating. 

Going Thorugh The Day 

The classroom itself was quite inviting, with colorful walls, and some paintings from some popular stories. I tried to make it from their faces who seemed friendly, but before I could, the teachers arrived. 

She introduced me, and two other new students to the entire class. I kept looking out the window towards the playground where some of the students were playing, and the girl sitting beside me pushed me and asked me to focus on the class. 

Afterward, she mentioned that this teacher is quite strict and often punishes students for not paying enough attention to her class. And thats how I made my first friend. She asked to sit with her and her other friends for lunch. 

I hesitated a bit in the beginning, but she managed to take me with her to the cafeteria and introduced me to her friends. After that, she took me around the school showing me the playground, the dance and music room, the painting class, and the game room. 

Some other new students were roaming around not knowing where to go. This girl seemed friendly and helped them as well. I could already see her becoming my best friend.  

After the last class, she took me to the playground and we had a fun time together. It was almost time to go back home. I did not think I would make friends on the very first day amd I would like it here. 

I was a bit skeptical about it, whether I would like it here, but everything went well. The day went better than I expected and I could not wait to get to school the next day and meet them all again. 

Wrapping Up!

The first day of school is not about learning new things, it is more about making new friends and meeting new people. It is more about adjusting to a new place and settling in. 

Writing an essay on my first day at school is not very difficult. You just have to put everything that you felt that day on paper. Starting from the nervous morning and ending with how you made yourself comfortable in the new place. 

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Most of the students do not like to write essays. The reason behind it is they do not know the tricks and the tips to write an excellent essay in their schools or any professional set up. Our primary objective is to guide the students so that it helps them write essays flawlessly. 

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