What are some of the best adjectives starting with L? The more words you know, the more words you have to speak and write. Whether it is for a personal writing project or a professional business slogan, there may be a time when you want to write something, and you have to use the letter L.
It might be under some poetic obligation or a professional one to keep using the letter L frequently. Also, the Egyptian figure of the letter L is represented through the animal, Lion.
So, whatever your reason may be, using the letter L might become very necessary under specific circumstances. So, if you are looking for adjectives starting with L, then go through this.
List Of Adjectives Starting With L

In this article, I have listed some of the best adjectives starting with the letter L. Check out the list of different adjectives that start with the letter L.
Labelled | Labial | Labiate | Labile | Laboured | Laboring |
Labour-intensive | Laborious | Labyrinthian | Labyrinthine | Laced | Lacerated |
Lachrymal | Lachrymose | Laciniate | Lackadaisical | Lacking | Lacklustre |
Laconic | Lactic | Lacy | Lapsed | Larcenous | Large |
Ladylike | Laden | Laic | Laid | Laid-back | Laid-off |
Lambent | Lame | Lamentable | Laminal | Lamplit | Lanate |
Lancelike | Lancinating | Landless | Landlocked | Landscaped | Languid |
Languishing | Laniary | Lank | Lanky | Lantern-jawed | Lapidary |
Lacelike | Lapsed | Lawless | Laryngeal | Lascivious | Lashing |
Larger | Large-scale | Largest | Larval | Lavender | Lavish |
Late | Latent | Later | Lateral | Latest | Lathery |
Last | Last-ditch | Lasting | Last-minute | Law-abiding | Lawful |
Adjectives Starting With L
Leaflike | Leafy | Leaking | Leakproof | Leaky | Lean |
Leased | Lax | Layered | Lazy | Lead | Leaden |
Leasing | Least | Leather | Leathered | Leatherlike | Leathery |
Lecherous | Leechlike | Leering | Leeward | Left | Left-handed |
Legal | Legato | Leading | Leafless | Leaved | Leavened |
Learnable | Learned | Left-wing | Leftover | Latticelike | Latticed |
Latitudinal | Latter | Laudable | Laureled | Laughing | Laughable |
Adjectives Starting With L
Legendary | Legged | Leggy | Legible | Legion | Legislative |
Lengthwise | Lengthy | Lenient | Lenten | Lenticular | Lentiform |
Leprous | Lesbian | Less | Lessened | Lesser | Lesser-known |
Lexical | Lexicalized | Lexicographic | Liable | Libellous | Liberal |
Licensable | Licensed | Licentious | Licit | Licked | Lidded |
Legitimate | Leguminous | Leisurely | Lemonlike | Lemony | Lendable |
Lentiginous | Lentissimo | Lento | Leonine | Lepidote | Leprose |
Lethal | Lethargic | Lettered | Level | Levelheaded | Levitical |
Lifelong | Lifesize | Life-threatening | Liberated | Libidinal | Levorotatory |
Lidless | Liege | Life-giving | Lifeless | Lifelike | Lewd |
Adjectives Starting With L
Lipophilic | Lipotropic | Lipped | Liquefiable | Liquefied | Liquescent |
Liliaceous | Lilliputian | Lilting | Lily-livered | Limacine | Limbed |
Limiting | Limitless | Limnological | Limp | Limpid | Limping |
Lined | Lingering | Lingual | Linguistic | Lingulate | Linked |
Lightless | Light-minded | Lightproof | Lightsome | Lightweight | Ligneous |
Lifted | Light | Light-armed | Light-blue | Lightheaded | Light-fingered |
Liquid | Liquified | Lissome | Listed | Lilac | Likeable |
Limber | Limbic | Limbless | Limited | Likelier | Likely |
Lincolnesque | Lincolnian | Lineal | Linear | Liplike | Like-minded |
Linnaean | Lionhearted | Lipless | Light-footed | Light-handed | Lighthearted |
Adjectives Starting With L
Luminary | Luminescent | Luminous | Lumpen | Lumpish | Lumpy |
Low-ranking | Low-risk | Low-spirited | Loyal | Lubberly | Lubricated |
Looser | Loosest | Looted | Lopsided | Loquacious | Lordless |
Liver-coloured | Liveried | Liverish | Livid | Living | Loaded |
Listless | Lit | Lite | Literal | Literary | Literate |
Lowborn | Lowbred | Lowbrow | Low-budget | Low-calorie | Low-carb |
Lone | Lonely | Lonesome | Long | Long-armed | Long-distance |
Lush | Lusterless | Lustful | Lustrous | Lusty | Luxe |
Lucky | Lucrative | Luculent | Ludic | Ludicrous | Lugubrious |
Loudest | Loud-mouthed | Loud-voiced | Lousy | Loutish | Lovable |
Locatable | Located | Locked | Locomotive | Lodged | Lofty |
Little-known | Littler | Liturgical | Livable | Live | Livelier |
Lowest | Low-fat | Low-grade | Low-interest | Low-key | Lowland |
Long-range | Long-sighted | Long-standing | Long-suffering | Long-term | Longtime |
Adjectives Starting With L
Lunar | Lunate | Lunatic | Lupine | Lurid | Luscious |
Lubricious | Lucent | Lucid | Luckier | Luckiest | Luckless |
Lordly | Lossy | Lost | Louche | Loud | Louder |
Loath | Loathsome | Lobed | Lobular | Local | Localised |
Lithe | Lithesome | Lithographic | Litigious | Littered | Little |
Low-cost | Low-density | Lower | Lowercase | Lowered | Lowermost |
Longer | Longest | Longhand | Longing | Longitudinal | Long-lived |
Luxuriant | Luxurious | Lying | Lymphatic | Lymphoid | Lyrate |
Lukewarm | Lumbar | Lumbering | Lumbosacral | Lyric | Lyrical |
Loved | Lovely | Lovelier | Loveliest | Lovelorn | Loving |
Logarithmic | Loggerheaded | Logical | Logistic | Logistical | Logographic |
Liveliest | Livelong | Lively | Low | Logy | Low-priced |
Low-level | Lowly | Low-lying | Low-maintenance | Low-necked | Low-pressure |
Long-winded | Look-alike | Loony | Loopy | Loose | Looseleaf |
Loosened |
Must Know Adjectives Starting With L

Here are some adjectives starting with the letter L that you need to know about if you are planning to enrich your vocabulary.
- Lackadaisical – Showing absolutely zero interest or enthusiasm.
- lacklustre – Boring or being without much energy; dull.
- lacy – Covered in lace or trimmed with lacing; having an appearance like lace.
- Ladylike – Proper behaviour, showing manners and gestures suitable for a lady.
- Lame – Unconvincing or weak; having an injured foot or leg.
- Lanky – Excessively tall and thin.
- Lamentable – Unsatisfactory or bad.
- Languid – Without any energy or enthusiasm; sluggish.
- Large – Having a vast capacity, sizable.
- Lascivious – Expressing desire or lust.
- Late – After allowance or expectation.
- Latent – Something present inside someone but hardly ever used.
- Latter – The second of two things in comparison.
- Laudable – Worthy of praise or admiration.
- Laureled – Adorned or crowned to signify victory.
- Lavender – The colour named light purple.
- Lavish – Elaborate, luxurious, generous living.
- Lawful – Something allowed by and under the law, legal.
- Lawless – Illegal or without any consideration of what is required by the law.
- Lax – Loose, slack, someone who is not firm.
- Lazy – Having no enthusiasm or motivation to accomplish something.
- Leaden – Lacking energy, or feeling slow and sluggish.
- Leafless – Without leaves.
- Leaflike – Resembling the shape of a leaf.
- Leathery – Dried out with a tough texture.
- Leafy – Having only a few leaves.
- Lethal – Destructive, harmful, causing (or possibly to cause) death.
- Lecherous – Offensive desire.
- Leftover – Quantity remaining after necessary use, surplus amount,
- Legible – Something that is clear enough for a read.
- Legitimate – Something obtained through the proper legal process.
- Lemonlike – A tart or sour flavour, similar to the flavour of lemon.
- Lengthy – Something that takes a long time.
- Lenient – Something or someone that’s not or harsh.
- Liable – Being responsible or accountable for something.
- Lifelong – Remaining throughout someone’s entire lifetime.
- Lifesize – Something as large as someone.
- Likeable – Having a pleasant and acceptable demeanour.
- Limber – Flexible, the ability to move smoothly.
- Literate – Being able to read and write.
- Loaded – Filled completely; having something in excessive or abundant quantity.
- Logical – The conclusion is taken from sound or fact-based reasoning.
- Loopy – Slightly confused, crazy, eccentric
- Loquacious – Very talkative.
- Loutish – Aggressive or uncouth.
- Lowly – Humble or low in status.
- Lucid – Information or data that is expressed with clarity, and understanding.
- Lucky – Positive outcome that occurs by chance.
- Lugubrious – Sad, gloomy, dismal, or exaggerated way.
- Luxuriant – Relating to extravagance and richness; lush, fertile.
Bottom Line
If you are thinking of enriching your own vocabulary, then you need to learn different words and their meaning. Once you go through this list of adjectives starting with L, you will have some great words in your vocabulary. The more words you know, the better you will be able to express yourself.
I hope that you have found what you were looking for in this article. However, if there are any more questions and queries you need answered, then comment below.
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