The English language is an enigma, and it is very difficult to figure out what rules to follow and what not to follow, what the exceptions are, and what new rules have evolved. For if we consider the subject-verb agreement, along with different pronouns, what should we use? Anyone has or have?
Generally, we use anyone has where if precedes anyone in conditional statements. But if there is another verb before anyone, then it would be ‘anyone have.’ anyone is a singular indefinite pronoun.
Here we are going to talk about ‘anyone have or has,’ including their usage in formal and informal sentences and the other possible outcomes that it can have, and also a little bit about subject-verb agreement and indefinite pronouns.
“Anyone Has” And “Anyone Have” – Meaning

Anyone is referred to any person or anybody at all. Has is the present tense of have which is to hold or to keep something in position or entitlement. It can also mean to obtain something, receive something, possess something, or allow something.
From this, we can draw the conclusion that the term ‘anyone has’ can mean any person who receives something or any person that possesses something. Anyone is a singular form, and it takes singular verbs to make sure of the correct verb-subject agreement. Let’s check some examples for better understanding.
- Anyone is welcome to attend the session.
- Has anyone seen where I kept my laptop?
- She hasn’t eaten anything since last night.
- If anyone deserves this promotion, it is him.
Which Is Correct? Anyone Has Or Have?/Has Anyone Or Have Anyone

Anyone is the singular indefinite pronoun, and it is obvious to make sense when we use singular verbs to get the verb-subject agreement. But as we have discussed earlier that using have or has with anyone depends on what context we are using. Let’s see some examples.
- Does anyone have my glasses?
- Has anyone seen my glasses?
- If anyone has seen my glasses, can they please inform me?
- If anyone has seen my glasses, can you please let me know?
- I don’t think anyone has seen your glasses.
If we replace anyone with a noun, the sentences form like this.
- Has Jerry seen my keys?
- Has he seen my glasses?
- Have you seen my glasses?
- If they have seen my glasses anyplace, can they please let me know?
- If he has seen my glasses, can he please let me know?
- I don’t think they have seen your glasses.
- I don’t think he has got your glasses.
Here we have seen that when we replace “anyone,” the indefinite pronoun, with a specific noun or pronoun, the verb based on the pronoun or noun changes. However, the verb remains singular when “anyone” is used.
Are There Any Exceptions?
The only time when we use to have with anyone is when it has the helper verb does at the beginning. Here “does” completes the verb-subject agreement by being the singular verb for anyone, which is a singular indefinite pronoun.
We often come across sentences where people use have with anyone without the use of have. This happens mostly in informal sentences, and it is assumed that the word does is there at the beginning of the sentence. Let’s take a look at some examples.
- Anyone have my keys? Well, this is an informal sentence, but there is no does at the beginning of the sentence. But it is assumed that there is a does at the beginning of the sentence. So this is the correct use.
- Anyone has my keys? This is not the correct use though it is informal.
Is It “Any Have” Or “Any Has?”

We generally use any along with have or has right next to one another only when we are questioning something or someone, and sometimes the order is turned around, and it is like has any or have any. Let’s check some examples.
- She did not have any other option left.
- I don’t believe he has any other option left.
- Do you have any book releases this week?
- Has any new article been published this week?
Here, we have seen that both have any and has any are correct, and the verb is changed with context and usage. Usually, the words are used in order “have/has any,” but there are times when it is used like “has/have any.” There is a qualifying phrase or word used after “any” in these sentences. For example:
- Does any one of you have a pencil?
- Can you please let me know if any one of them has given their names for the contest?
- If any of you have got an extra charger, please lend it to her.
- If any of you has got an extra charger, can I please borrow it?
- I don’t think I have read any of these books.
- I believe he has seen all of these movies.
- Have they served any starters yet?
- Has any of the food been served on the table?
Does Anybody Have Or Has?

This is a similar phrase to “does anyone has or have” and they follow the same rules and work similarly. In such cases, anyone and anybody are like synonyms. Still, to make things clear, let’s check a few examples.
- Has anybody found my glasses?
- She hasn’t been speaking to anybody.
- If anybody deserves the promotion, it’s him.
Has vs. Have: How to remember the differences
Both ‘Has’ and ‘Have’ are different forms of the verb ‘To have’, which means to hold, own or possess, or maintain something. Both words are used quite a lot in day-to-day conversations and writing. Nevertheless, knowing when to use ‘has’ and when to use ‘have’ can be quite difficult to remember. But here is a very simple tip that will help you to remember the difference – always make sure that subject and verb is agreeing with each other.
While writing you should always remember that ‘has’ is always used with third-person singular subjects and ‘have’ is used with all the other subjects. So while writing, ensure that the subject and verb is agreeing with each other. Or in other words, if you are writing in third person, then use ‘has’ and if you writing in the first and second person, then use ‘have’.
You can also go through the chart given below to know when to use ‘has’ and when to use ‘have’
Parameters | Has | Have |
Purpose | To denote possession | To mean possession |
Point of View | Third Person Singular | First-person and second person Singular and Plural, Third Person Plural |
Tense | Present Tense | Present Tense |
Type of Sentence | Affirmative Statement | Question, Affirmative, and negative statement |
Has and Have: Contractions
While writing or speaking in informal English, Has or Have is commonly written in contractions. Contractions are formed by combining two words, eliminating at least one letter, and adding an apostrophe. The chart below shows the contractions using Has and Have –
Original | Contractions |
I have | I’ve |
You have | You’ve |
We have | We’ve |
They have | They’ve |
She has | She’s |
He has | He’s |
It has | It’s |
Has or Have: Exercises
Here are some exercises which will help you to check your understanding regarding ‘has’ and ‘have’ –
- My Mother ___ such a bad temper.
- She never ___ breakfast in the morning.
- Sheila ___ passed her driving test and waiting to get a license.
- The cricket match ____ already started when we reached the stadium.
Bottom Line
When we are talking about “anybody has or have” or “everybody has or have” we have to think about if it is used with something singular or plural. Everybody is considered as the third person singular, so it is always used with has. And have is used with anyone only when the sentence starts with does or when we actually assume that there is a does at the beginning of the sentence. When we ask, “does anyone have or has,” the answer is “does anyone have.”
Additional Reading:
- Choosing the Right Verb: Laying vs Lying Explained
- Speech About Life: Inspirational Speeches to Live By
- Flier vs Flyer: Learn The Difference And Use Each Correctly
- Indubitably: A Closer Look at its Definition and Its Synonyms