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“Everyday Vs Every Day” – When To Use These Two Words?

by Barsha Bhattacharya
Last Updated on: February 6, 2025

It is not uncommon to get confused in the everyday vs every day discussions while using the English language, especially if you are required to do so professionally. Now, compound words like ‘every vs. every day’ or ‘anytime vs. any time’ do not always have the same meanings as their counterparts. 

For instance, it is perfectly acceptable to use ‘anytime’ as an adverb which means ‘whenever’ like ‘call me anytime.’ However, the same cannot be said of ‘anytime’  if you are referring to an amount of time or using the preposition ‘at’ like ‘Liam could call me at any time.’

Similarly, ‘everyday vs every day’ discussions are common only because the two words have completely different meanings. In spoken words, even though the two words sound the same, the meaning of each is quite different. Keep reading to learn how to differentiate between everyday and every day.

Everyday Vs Every Day: A Discussion

1. Meaning

The word ‘everyday’ is an adjective. According to Thesaurus, words like ‘ordinary,’ ‘mundane,’ ‘average’ are all synonyms of this adjective. ‘Everyday’ refers to anything that occurs daily. It is sometimes used as a noun in a shorthand way, ofcourse, while someone is talking about their daily routines.

This means when you say ‘this is my everyday shoes’ or ‘I am going to buy some everyday clothes,’ you are saying these clothes or shoes are parts of your daily wardrobe, as opposed to clothes and shoes you have kept for special days and not as everyday wear.

The everyday vs every day confusion is so real! Every day, on the other hand, has a different meaning than everyday. Think about it this way – ‘every’ is an adjective modifying ‘day.’ ‘I wear my lucky charms every day’ is an example of how ‘every day’ can be used accurately in a sentence.

2. The Difference

As mentioned earlier, the everyday vs every day debate confusion is so common, and so many well-educated people make this mistake between the two words. Like most compound words, these two words also suffer from the same complications. We have an easy solution to help you out of this complication.

For an effective solution to the everyday vs. every day confusion, understand when you pair ‘every’ with any word, it means ‘each.’ So every day would mean each day, and every cup would mean each cup. If you still face confusion, simply replace ‘every’ with ‘each’ in a sentence, and you will be just fine.

For example, if you were to say ‘I visit the church every day,’ replace the word ‘every’ with ‘each.’ Saying ‘I visit the church each day’ still makes a lot more sense and sounds accurate, whereas ‘I visit the church eachday’ sounds incorrect.

Everyday vs Every Day: Examples

There is plenty of everyday vs every day examples for understanding the whole everyday vs every day issue in the first place. The only way to get rid of your confusion is by going through enough sentence examples with the two words in them. There are a few everyday vs every day examples mentioned below.

1. Using Everday

  • In Meghalaya, rain is an everyday occurrence.
  • Rose’s everyday coffee is bought by Sam usually.
  • Billy has a set of clothes for everyday use and some for special days.
  • Your everyday conversations with people around you can leave an impact upon you. 

2. Using Every Day

  • In Meghalaya, it rains every day.
  • Sam loves buying Rose a coffee every day.
  • Stan wakes up early morning every day.
  • It is crucial to get at least 8 hours of rest every day.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Is It Correct To Say Everyday Or Every Day?

‘Everyday’ is a single word, an adjective used to describe anything familiar seen daily. For instance, ‘Pam’s afternoon calls are an everyday occurrence.’ However, every day is an adverb strictly used as a synonym for ‘daily.’ For instance, ‘I visit the French neighborhood on weekends.’

2. When Should You Separate Everyday?

The everyday vs every day debate has gone on for the longest time. However, knowing when to separate the ‘every’ from the ‘day.’ ‘Everyday’ is an adjective, and keeping by the English language rules, ‘everyday’ almost always comes before a noun. 

3. Is It I Miss You Everyday Or Every Day?

The correct sentence is ‘I miss you every day,’ and not ‘I miss you everyday.’ In every day vs everyday discussion, it is vital to point out that these are two different words. While every day signifies every day, everyday refers to an activity that occurs daily. 

4. Can A Sentence Start With Everyday?

Yes. There are no rules in the English language that can stop you from using any words to begin a sentence. As a general rule, as long as the sentence makes sense and the syntax is accurate, you can start a sentence with a time phrase like everyday without a worry.

5. What Is The Difference Between Every And Each?

Both the words are commonly used with singular nouns for specifying an amount. However, the difference is pretty simple. While ‘each’ is used for referring to two or more elements, ‘every’ is used for referring to three or more parts. Sometimes, ‘each’ refers to pieces in a group individually, while ‘every’ is for collective reference.


The English Language is a result of evolution. Words have come and gone, but the language has only evolved to be more comprehensive and straightforward. A little confusion is typical as a result. For instance,  in the everyday vs every day debate, there is no actual winner because they are two different words used under other circumstances.

When two words have different meanings, there exists no ground for comparison or debates. Since every day is a compound word made up of two separate words, compilations are regular. But you don’t need to worry since you know the individual meanings of the two words and the terrific trick to help you remember when to use to what!

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