I had a friend when I was young who used to get confused choosing between in case or incase. Every time he used to write either of them, he used to sit there with his head on his hand for at least 2 minutes to figure out if he had used and written the correct word.
Have you been in that position ever? Or are you still having trouble choosing between what to write: just incase or just in case?
If you are confused between the two words, let me help you out with that. To know the differences, correct usage, and a few examples, keep reading till the end…
Incase And In Case
While many writers have got the hang of using the correct word, there are still some more who are struggling. Most of them are not quite sure which one to use in a phrase like just incase or in case.
Which one should you use? Are both the words correct? Is one either of them incorrect?
Many people have trouble choosing between incase and in case, like principal and principle. There are so many questions that can cross your mind just because you have to go through the dilemma of using a word. This is where I come to your rescue.
The Difference
Yes, there is a difference. And the difference is the fact that one of them is incorrect.
Can you guess which one?
If you think the wrong one is incase, you guessed it right. The correct word to use if you want to use it in a phrase with the word just is in case.
In Case
In case is a phrase that consists of two words IN and CASE. The meaning of the phrase is an instance, an event, a situation, a circumstance, or an incidence. The word ‘In Case’ is used when talking about situations or events that might take place in future or while referring to the possibility of something being true.
Example of In case: Shall I keep some chicken salad for your brother in case he’s hungry when he gets here?
You can find the phrase most of the time used with the word ‘Just’ such as – just in case. In such sentences, the phrase is used to indicate caution for a possible outcome.
Example of just in case: You should carry extra cash with you, just in case of an emergency.
In case is also used with of to form the phrase in case of. Here also, the meaning is similar to the one stated before. It means “in the event of.”
Example of in case of: You should keep a bucket of water nearby to use in case of fire.
The spelling and pronunciation of certain words may often confuse you when using them. “principal vs principle,” then learn more to clear your all confusions.
In Case As a Conjuction, Adverb and Preposition
While writing, the phrase In Case’ is generally used a a conjunction or a adverb whereas the phrase ‘In case of’ is used as a preposition.
When ‘In Case’ is used as a conjunction to join two clauses with each other; the first clause denotes or refers to an action, whereas the second clause refers to the reason. In such a sentence, the phrase ‘In Case’ should be placed before the clause which denotes the reason or cause. The sentence structure will be something like this:
A Main Clause/Action Clause + In Case + Clause indicating reason or cause
OR, Clause indicating Precaution + In Case + Clause denoting Possibility
Here are some examples of Phrase ‘In Case’ as a conjunction:
- Take your hat in case it is sunny outside
- Take an umbrella in case it rains.
- Her father always gives her some extra money in case of an emergency
- My mother packed some lunch and put it in my backpack in case I get hungry later on.
The phrase ‘In Case’ is a adverb when it is used to modify a verb, clause, phrase, adjective or even another adverb. Here are some examples:
- She brought extra snacks with her just in case.
- His interview went quite well, but he sent some thank-you cards just in case.
- Pack a bag, just in case.
As explained in the above section, the phrase ‘In Case Of’ is used to describe what one should do when a particular event takes place. ‘In Case of’ is generally used to before a noun when one is talking about what will happen or what one should do in a particular situation. Here are some examples:
- In case of fire, break the glass.
- In case of an accident, call the emergency number provided here.
- Please keep your seatbelt buckled in case of turbulence
- In case of an earthquake we should leave the building immediately.
- They will come back to the hotel in case of snow.
The word case has been used from a very early time in history. It meant something to do with a legal case or something that befalls someone.
It was only in the 14th century that people first started using the words in and case together to form a phrase that means “in the case of an event or situation.”
If you are wondering how to pronounce the phrase in case, it is easy. Pronounce it as in-kes.
Synonyms For In Case

If you do not want to use the phrase in case or you want to remember the phrase with the help of some other words, here are some synonyms for you:
- In the event of
- If
- Supposing
- In the situation
- Given
Examples Of In Case
- Just in case it rains, carry an umbrella.
- In case of an emergency, feel free to call me.
- In case you didn’t know, the company has accepted your offer.
- Pack some food to have on the go, just in case you feel hungry.
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Before beginning with this part of the article, let me tell you one thing. The word incase does not exist. It is incorrect. So just in case you were trying to use this one for your composition, it is a great time to strike that out.
Incase is the misspelled version of the word encase. Because it sounds similar, people generally make a mistake when choosing the correct word.
If you are using the word incase in place of encase, you must know the meaning of the latter.
Encase is a verb. It is used to mean the act of covering or enclosing something in a fence or a case. To put it simply, it is the act of surrounding.
The word incase is a variant of the word encase.
The original word is related to the act of encasing. It was first used in the 1630s.
With the passage of time, the word encase has been misspelled as incase because of how similar the two words sound.
The actual word encase is pronounced as en-kes or n-kes.
Even though the word incase is wrong and does not exist, it is also pronounced in the same way.
Synonyms Of The Word Incase

The words that have a similar meaning to the word encase are:
- Envelop
- Case
- Clad
- Embed
- Blanket
- Wrap
- Enfold
- Engulf
- Enclose
The misspelled variant incase is also used as a synonym of the original word because of its wide usage.
Use Of The Word In Sentences
If you are using the word encase in your sentence, you need to keep in mind that it is a verb.
So, the form of the word will also change in the different sentences depending on the tense, the number of the noun word, and the subject person narrative of the sentence.
Here is how the verb changes its form:
- First-person present-tense narrative: I encase, We encase
- Second-person present-tense narrative: You encase
- Third-person singular number present-tense narrative: He encases, She encases
- Third-person plural number present-tense narrative: They encase
Example Of The Word Incase
- If you incase a person who has claustrophobia, you are committing a big mistake.
- The pirates decide to incase the merchant inside a barrel.
- The way the mountains incase the valley is a treat to the eyes.
- The use of the cover is to incase the mattress and prevent it from getting stained.
Should You Use In case Or Incase?
Just because a lot of people use the wrong spelling to mean the actual word, it does not mean that it is okay to use the incorrect one. It is not a choice that has been given to you.
When writing a sentence that has something to do with the act of enclosing or surrounding something or someone, always use encase in place of incase.
Remember, just because a lot of people are making the same mistake, it does not mean that you will take the wrong route. Keep in mind that maybe someone else is going to learn from you. You should not be the reason why someone learned something wrong.
Incase Or In Case: How To Remember

If you are confused between Incase or In Case, then the simplest way to remember is that the correct word ‘In Case’ has a space in between and Incase with no space in between is incorrect.
If you think it has got nothing to do with the act of putting someone in a case or surrounding and enclosing someone, then you should use in case.
Another way to remember the correct word is by remembering the word incase. Once you think about this word, you will automatically link it to the word incase in your mind.
In Case: Some Other Common Mistakes
Now that you know in case or incase, which is correct, you should also check out other phrases that are similar to ‘in case’ and know their meanings and when to use them. These phrases are as follows:
In that Case
The phrase ‘in that case’ means ‘because of the mentioned situation’. The phrase is used in situations when one is talking about doing something because of a situation that has already taken place.
Example: There’s no coffee left? In that case I’ll have tea
In Any Case
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the meaning of the phrase ‘in any case’ is ‘also’. The phrase is used when talking about a situation that will take place or not take place in spite of or without regard to other conditions or considerations.
Example 1: I don’t want to go and in any case, I haven’t been invited.
Example 2: You should be able to make it in time for your train, but in any case you can always take a taxi home.
These phrases are quite similar to ‘In case’, but the meaning is not the same. So you should avoid using these phrases in place of ‘in case’.
Frequently Asked Questions
The word incase is wrong and does not exist. It is the misspelled version of the original word encase, which means “to enclose something.” You should not use the wrong variant.
Yes. In case is the correct word you should be using when you want to mean “in an event of.”
There are many synonyms available for in case. Some of them are if, in the event of, supposing, etc.
Wrapping It Up!
In today’s world, if you are not confident with speaking English, then you might be lagging behind others. Whether you are a student or you are working as an employee at a multinational company, you need to have a basic knowledge of the language. And if you are fluent in that, it is even better!
Most people may think that both the words in case and incase are correct, like adopt and adapt. However that is not the case. These two words are completely different. One is correct and the other does not exist.
If you were confused about using the word in case and incase, or you were confused which one to use between the phrase, just in case or just incase, I hope this article has cleared your doubts. And in case it hasn’t, you may raise your doubts and let us know.
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